can glasses help me?
Can glasses help me? I have great eyesight each time I've been tested, much better than 20:20. But when I try to read a lot of small text or numbers I get terrible headaches and blurred vision. I have...
View ArticleSomething like arduino for people with poor vision
So, I am getting into Arduino as something to tinker with. And it seems like something my elderly father would also really enjoy futzing around with. I am wondering about kits that work better for the...
View ArticleHow does this work?!
How do you read with progressive anti fatigue lenses? Please show me how. Today I got a new pair of glasses with some anti fatigue lenses from Shamir, which are meant to have a +0.65 diopter boost at...
View ArticleAnyone gone through a child having cataracts?
If your child has had cataracts what was your experience? What do you wish you had known? My four year old had a vision check up on Friday after we noticed he was having some problems. I wear glasses...
View ArticleWhy can I see out of my eyeglasses better when I tilt my head back?
I have a new pair of glasses that I like just fine. Even though the prescription is a little stronger in one eye than that of my previous pair, I've noticed that I can actually see some things better...
View ArticleNew eye doctor. Bad experience.
I can't tell if this doctor is just a jerk, or if they committed a legitimate violation. YANMD/YANML. This is Virginia, USA. I've had high myopia and have been wearing rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact...
View ArticleEye Anxiety: multifocal contact lenses edition
You are not my ophthalmologist. I'll see my doc again in a couple of months. I am asking (pretty please) for experiences/advice with wearing multifocal disposable contact lenses. Did they work for you?...
View ArticleMy glasses make me feel unreal / are provoking feelings of derealization
I've worn glasses for the last ten years, and ever since I've got them, I've experienced what I can only describe as minor feelings of derealization. Everything always seems.... a little strange with...
View ArticleWas my life as a bespectabled person a lie?
I have worn glasses since I was 7 years old (I'm 32). I went for a checkup yesterday, and turns out my eyesight is 20/15 (better than normal)...what happened? I went for a check up because I lately...
View ArticleI'm going to go blind? What?
This week my ophthalmologist told me that I have a cataract in my left eye, and she asked me point-blank whether I wanted to be scheduled for surgery ASAP. I've deferred on the surgery for a year. I'm...
View ArticleCould I have a vision problem that requires glasses?
I've only ever the GP eye exam where you read the chart, and they say 20/20 and move on. I have noticed as of a month ago that trying to read anything about a foot to a few feet in front of me strains...
View ArticleIs wearing sunglasses exclusively for an extended time bad for my eyes?
I broke my bifocals and didn't have money to replace them so I started wearing my bifocal sunglasses. Six or seven months later I'm in the same prediciment. Is this bad? The glasses are similar to...
View ArticleTips for spontaneous swimming with contact lenses
I'm going to visit a friend in their new city and one of the things they said about stuff we could do was: "Def bring swimwear by the way. Lake and river have lots of places to swim, jump off bridges...
View ArticleSo, I can't see 3D pictures, will I be able to experience VR?
Pretty basic really... I can't see 3D pictures or movies. Will I be able to experience virtual reality now that it's becoming a thing? According to an opthamologist I saw a while back, my eyes don't...
View ArticleThe lights will flicker on and off...
Whenever I'm really tired (like I've been up all day), my eyesight flickers when I blink. Kind of like when the power acts up and the lights flicker in a room. But with whatever I'm looking at. What...
View ArticleIs the prescription in my new glasses right?
I picked up some new glasses a couple days ago, and I'm not sure if the prescription is off or if I'm just adjusting. Are there ways to assess this on my own? The eye dr told me my astigmatism was the...
View ArticleGendered Myopia
I have read multiple times in German media that women are more frequently myopic than men. Is there any recent-ish study corroborrating that or have they all been parroting each other for the past ~15...
View ArticleWhat magifying tool have you found most useful for reading books?
Right now, I am having trouble focusing my eyes. This makes reading difficult. I want to know what has worked for others in terms of magnifying books specifically. I am able to increase the font size...
View ArticleHelp me find health and happiness with my eyesight
I happen to have pretty bad eyesight, and have since I was a pre-teen. Then I flew past 40 and presto, I need reading glasses. I am thinking about my long term eye health, but also day to day dealing...
View ArticleExperience with AMD?
At a recent eye test, I was told I had age-related macular degeneration, (AMD), and referred to a specialist eye hospital, but owing to the pandemic backlog I won't get to see them until mid-August. I...
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